
ADP094 CANNIBAL CORPSE - Violence Unimagined (Deluxe Ltd. Digi)

ADP094 CANNIBAL CORPSE - Violence Unimagined (Deluxe Ltd. Digi)

唱片简介:死亡金属领域最具名头的乐队发行新作,这也是2021年度最被期待,最重要的死亡金属作品。CANNIBAL CORPSE(食人尸)乐队第15张专辑《Violence Unimagined》(超乎想象的暴力)2021年4月16日发行。这张专辑中也因为有新成员 Erik Rutan (MORBID ANGEL乐队前成员,HATE ETERNAL)加入乐队,多年来他一直担任乐队的制作人和巡演乐手,没有人比他更熟悉CANNIBAL CORPSE的音乐和手法,这次他正式参与专辑创作,也给乐队带来更多技术上的变化和新意。不变的是食人尸永远的血块,残酷以及谋杀主题 - 他们就是死亡金属的代名词。



“三十年过去了,食人尸成为了死亡金属领域的MOTORHEAD,永远不变的风格,但是永远比追随者的音乐更重更强,作品品质永远值得信赖。” "After three decades and change, Cannibal Corpse have become the Motörhead of death metal – naturally reliable, ever in the zone, still louder and heavier than any of the bands who followed them. "4/5 - Kerrang! Magazine --- “CANNIBAL CORPSE 已经不需要用新专辑来证明自己的地位。他们却像一只新的乐队一样生猛,继续创造自己的辉煌。” "CANNIBAL CORPSE doesn't simply continue to prove its relevance with "Violence Unimagined", they've offered an album that's as good as anything death metal fans could hope for in 2021. They sound as savage as a new band that's trying to make its mark. " - Blabbermouth.net

--- “死亡金属传奇打造新的经典‘不可想象的暴力’十分危险也让人上瘾” "Cannibal Corpse’s Violence Unimagined: death metal legends gouge out a new classic They may have been around since the dawn of time, but Cannibal Corpse’s new album Violence Unimagined is perilously addictive" 4/5 - Metal Hammer

--- “三十三年兢兢业业勤奋工作,并不断创作出新的经典” “What isn’t said enough about Cannibal is how after 33-some-odd years in the game, they keep adding masterstroke upon classic to their name.”9/10 - Metal Injection

--- “完全不用再给你介绍什么是食人尸风格,他们的音乐就是你期待的那样,到处都是残肢断臂。” "I won’t squander your time by belaboring the obvious point that Cannibal Corpse are gonna Cannibal Corpse. You know exactly what they’re peddling just as surely as you know what to expect from an issue of Hustler. There’s going to be grinding galore and body parts strewn everywhere. " - Decibel Magazine

--- 乐迷评分网站金属百科(Metal Archvies)上,这张专辑得到了84/100分的高分 https://www.metal-archives.com/reviews/Cannibal_Corpse/Violence_Unimagined/920770/

AreaDeath Prod. 厂牌在发行了前5张早期经典专辑之后,获得授权发行这张新专辑的限量收藏版。这也是ADP厂牌今年重要的发行计划之一,争取做到品质最佳!它不但包含了两组封面设计,同时也有侧标中文说明,近万字的中文介绍及歌词翻译。ADP版本将使用比欧美版更精彩的设计以及包装工艺,立体凸起印刷以及多色多触感包装,为原设计增加更多鲜活感觉,与CANNIBAL CORPSE音乐的特质互相呼应。


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