
BLACK, THE - The Priest of Satan

BLACK, THE - The Priest of Satan


唱片简介:瑞典早期黑金属地下传奇 THE BLACK 第一张专辑再版,被遗忘的经典。欧版原封盘。

One of the best things about being a metal fan are finding those weird forgotten albums and demos that then surprise you in their high quality. Sometimes these forgotten albums are remembered by a few but are not talked about in the general public either mainstream or underground. The Black seems to be remembered by a few but in general this album is not something that is well remembered. I found out about it through reading about the drummers ambient noise project which has been released on Cold Meat and seems to have quite a following. I wasn't too into that stuff (thus why I can't remember the name) but I found out about this metal project of his that he did with Jon from Dissection and I felt that I had to hear this forgotten gem.


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