
DARKNESS - The Ultimate Prophecy (2CD)

DARKNESS - The Ultimate Prophecy (2CD)
风格:Epic Heavy Metal (史诗金属)

商品简介:80年代 Heavy Metal 双CD再版,收录乐队所有作品!大量图片以及文字资料。

DARKNËSS was performing a truly authentic and often epic Heavy Metal, in the tradition of the legends from the 80's. Born in the Charente area, the band has been active from 1984 to 1992. This is a real French Heavy Metal gem, an incredible surprise for lovers of the genre. This double CD gathers all studio recordings, as well as some tracks recorded live and at rehearsals. These songs are coming back from the past at last. DARKNËSS shared the stage with bands like KILLERS, OVERDOSE, CHARTER, KRAKEN, JINX, SQUEALER... A release that will put DARKNËSS among the biggest names in French Hard Rock. This is also a tribute to guitarist and founding member, Genns Dark (R.I.P.). Cover art, layout (28 pages booklet) and notes by Freddy Lee Dark, vocalist of DARKNËSS.

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