
GERM ATTAK - Fear Of The Unknown

GERM ATTAK - Fear Of The Unknown


唱片简介:New (fourth) full length album 2011! 14 songs, Mix of 80's UK punk with New Wave of British Heavy Metal. Members of Bastardator, Trioxin 245 etc...Members of Bastardator, Iron Dogs etc. Review: "For some reason, this band has passed me by so far. Not sure why, since they've been around for a while, but I've never felt the urge to pick up any of their records, despite some pretty complimentary reviews and recommendations. Sitting down now with this fourteen-song CD, I can see that it's been my loss. Still, it's never too late. You rarely see a mention of these glue addled Canadian spiky-tops without a reference to UK82 or the VARUKERS, and those influences are definitely there, but I hear a much more straightforward punk sound too, along with classic US and Finnish influences. 


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